Thursday, August 20, 2009

Road Trip: Day 1

Hooray! We finallly got on the road! I was up to 4 a.m. still fininshing up paperwork and tying up loose ends. Then my husband's alarm went off at 5 a.m....Oh well. My mother reminds me, that it's not a real journey unless you start out sleep deprived!!

Even sleep-deprived, today I made it half way to the CO clinic site - about 9 hours of driving.

Winnie is a great traveler. She just curls up and sleeps, no matter how long the journey or how cramped the car.

The truisms I learned today are:
-It's not really a road trip until you get past Vegas.
-Only on a road trip, does listening to country music seem the right thing to do.
-Your dog doesn't care if you smack your gum in the car.
-Probably because I was lucky enough to have my parents read bedtime stories to me as a kid, I can only listen to about 40 minutes of "books on tape" before I start to nod off.
-There's nothing to wake you up like turning onto a highway you've never been on before.

I'm sleeping in to 8 a.m. tomorrow!!

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